• Fluke i400E AC電流鈎鉗

  • Fluke a283 FC 真有效值 CAT III 1500V 無線電流鉗

  • Fluke 283 FC/PV 太陽能數位萬用電表和無線電流鉗

  • Fluke 283 FC CAT III 1500V 數位萬用電表

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  • Fluke ii500 工業聲波影像儀

  • Optris Xi640 固定式高清晰紅外線熱影像儀

  • UNI-T UTE300系列功率計

  • UNI-T UT568B 工業聲波影像儀

  • UNI-T UTi320E 紅外線熱影像儀

  • UNI-T UTi260B 紅外線熱影像儀

  • UNI-T UTi260T 紅外線熱影像儀

  • UNI-T UT673PV 太陽能光電測試儀

  • UNI-T UT8806系列 六位半桌上型數位電表

FLUKE ProSim3 & ProSim2 多功能生理訊號模擬器

Don’t need a comprehensive patient monitor tester? The ProSim 2 and ProSim 3 Vital Signs Simulators are the clear choice for biomedical engineering and field service technicians that need a quality feature rich device with high portability. 

E-mail : service@alltest.com.tw
電話 : 02-29900512


Key Features:
■ Portable patient simulator for evaluating the performance of patient monitors
■ 20% lighter and 25% smaller than predicate devices
■ Just-right feature set includes ECG, pacemaker, arrhythmia and performance testing, respiration, invasive
   blood pressure, temperature, 
cardiac output (ProSim 3 only), fetal/maternal (ProSim 3 only)
■ 43 high-quality ProSim 8 waveforms
■ With four IBP channels, ProSim 3 can test even the highest acuity scenarios
■ Improved hardware includes stay-connected ECG posts and upgraded DIN connectors
■ Simplified user interface with four button navigation
■ Field upgradeable, and easily paired with other devices for comprehensive testing



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